Magento has published the major improvements to its next version and we will explain the innovative features and improvements to this upgrade.
The Magento 2, which is Magento 2.3.4 - Magento Open source, previously known as the Community Version and Magento Commerce, previously known as Enterprise Edition, has introduced the most recent version of the Magento 2, which contains significant updates and security improvements. In conjunction, it is more PSD2 friendly.
The updated version includes more than 220 usable improvements of the core product and over 30 enhanced security upgrades, based on the release Statement of Magento 2.3.4 released on Magento's website.
Over 275 contributions from enriching community members such as development workers and agencies have been resolved by Magento extenions.
Magento 2 has cleaned up the core code to improve inventory management and GraphQL significantly. Take a look at the new features and improvements in the performance of Magento 2.3.4.
Security Improvements
More than 30 security improvements are included in this patch.
- These modifications help to eliminate vulnerabilities in cross-site scripting and execution of remote code. The attacks by the hackers in this regard have not been confirmed. Magento 2 has however found some bugs that may be abused to access customer information and access to administrative control.
- Magento has advised using a single solution, instead of/admin, and a strong password, to take appropriate measures such as IP whitelisting, two-factor authentication, VPNs to make attackers unable to fully control your administration access.
- Additionally, for security purposes, Magento 2 has made some updates for key codes. This includes removing custom layout changes and improvements to disable remote application execution.
- The Magento extenions interface has been modified to apply whitelisted factors to the template.
Note: In its previous model, which is Magento 2.3.3, Magento 2 Extensions also given an option to fix vulnerabilities, using various security patches available under (composer packs 2.3.3-p1).
Platform Updates
To improve the website safety and compliance with PCI, Magento has made the following upgrades.
- The latest 3rd Party technology version of RabbitMQ V3.8 enhances the message queue framework.
- The new stable version of Redis V5,0.6 is tried and tested in Magento 2.3.4 and shows how page caching and storage features have been improved
- Magento has improved the support of both MySQL and MariaDB 10.2 declarative schemes.
Performance Boost
Magento 2 has modified the Magento 2.3.4 to boost its performance
- Invalidation of the consumer section and enhanced banner cache logic to eliminate non-cached demands.
- PHTML file refactoring to support bundling mechanism parsing.
- Magento extenions switched off the statistics collection for reports by default with this release. By go to System Settings > General > Reports> General Options, you can enable it. Magento has advised, for performance reasons, to turn it off if not necessary.
Infrastructure Improvements
Magento 2 has improved the quality of the framework, marketplace, sales, PayPal, elasticsearch, supply, CMS, and B2B by offering more than 250 quality fixes.
Merchant tools
Magento 2 has a special packaged Adobe stock implementation extension to add high-quality pictures and videos to the web page of the merchant.
Inventory Management
The following changes were made to improve inventory management performance.
- A known problem was solved with the shopping cart which leads to greater load on servers in the database.
- The CLI inventory command has been revised and enhanced to decrease the use of memory.
- Credit memoranda, grouped commodity, source, and stock mass behavior are solved with quality problems.
GraphQL Improvements
Magento 2 provides improved graph coverage for search, cart functionality, and layered browsing with the introduction of this update. It has mutations shown below:
- Ability to rely on various devices to connect and retrieve the cart.
- It is now easy for GraphQL users to make price rendering on the retail side with the improved return price method.
- The issue of sales tax and discount rates details is resolved.
- Now Your cart often provides promotional details.
- The category data can now be obtained by name, slug or ID.
These were the massive improvements to Magento's difficulties. With its latest version update.
Magento 2.3.4, these significant improvements are possible. Read the official release notice for Magento 2.3.4 to see what other minor changes Magento received. Upgrade Magento 2 version with Magento 2.3.4 with MageAnts.