Multi Flat Shipping For Magento 2
Key Features of Magento 2 Multi Flat Shipping:
- Add up to five different shipping rates with this extension. Thus, you can charge them the same accordingly.
- Allow to set shipping rates based on different countries.
- Mention criteria like country. and adjacent shipping rates.
- Support multiple websites and store views.
- Fixed amount as well as percentage amount of handling fee shipping method.
- Provide your customers with different types of transit.
Current Limitation in Magento 2:
By default, Magento 2 does not allow the store owner to add multiple custom shipping methods for their customers. This limitation means that store owners cannot provide a variety of shipping options to customers, which may make the shipping process less flexible from the customer's point of view.
How Our Extension Help It:
MageAnts Magento 2 flat rate shipping allows store admins to add multiple flat rate shipping for products and orders on various conditions such as price, handling fees, country of delivery, etc. This helps to streamline the checkout process and improve the overall shopping experience for customers.
Is it possible to set multi flat shipping to a particular country?
Yes, you can set multi flat shipping to a specific country.
Is it possible to add a handling fee with shipping fee?
Yes, it is possible to add handling fees with a shipping fee.
What are the ways to apply a handling fee with flat rates?
With each flat rate, you can apply handing fee in three ways: fixed, percentage, fixed per item.
How can I apply the shipping method fee?
Shipping method fee for flat rates can be applied in two ways: per item and per order.
How do I add multiple shipping methods in Magento 2?
You can use Magento 2 Multiple flat rate shipping extension and using this extension you can add multiple shipping method, You can add from Sales --> Shipping method --> Flat rate shipping.
What is flat rate shipping in Magento 2?
Multi Flat Shipping is an extension that overcomes the single flat rate option in Magento by serving multiple flat rate methods based on different prices and conditions without disturbing the system files and also With all new cool features. You can mention your own shipping carrier and Unlimited methods under it.
How do I set up flat rate shipping on Magento 2?
You can set flat rate shipping from backend store --> Configuration --> Sales --> Shipping method --> Flat rate.
Customer 12 Reviews
Bug fixed
- MageAnts team make extension compatible with latest magento 2.4.6 version.
Coding Standard
- MageAnts team makes this extension coding as per the Magento coding standards.
Bug fixed
- We have updated the MageAnts Multiple Flat Rate Shipping extension in Magento 2.4 version. Now Multiple flat shipping extension works fine in all the Magento versions.
- We have updated the MageAnts Multiple Flat Rate Shipping extension in Magento 2.3 version. Now Multiple flat shipping extension works fine in all the Magento versions.
- On the cart page & checkout page price displayed 0 when handling fee = fixed Type = per item in magento 2.2.x version.
Bug fixed
- Update module version name in composer.json file same as module.xml file.
- When all default shipping method disable from backend and only allow MageAnts shipping method then user change store wise shipping method then price not working, now solved issue in all Magento version and working fine in all Magento version.
How To Add Multiple Flat Rate Shipping In Magento 2?
How Does Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rate Shipping Extension Work?
Why Do You Need Multiple Flat Rate Shipping Magento 2 Module?
Benefits of Multi Flat Rate Shipping Magento 2 Extension
- Install Multiple flat rate Magento 2 extension in your store.
- You can set other configuration as per your need and requirement.
- Admin can create multiple shipping from store --> Configuration --> Sales --> Shipping method.
- Admin can set country wise shipping and also able to add different shipping rates for product.
- Display all created shipping method in shipping page.
- Customer can easily place order using flat rate shipping method.
- Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rate Shipping extension comes with a completely functional admin panel and allows the admin to configure the display orders of the flat shipping rates. Moreover, the admin can set a custom shipping method name, title, and select countries to enable the shipping method as per their preference.
- The modules allow you to create up to 5 different flat rate shipping methods in your store based on various conditions and pricing. Store owners can easily manage the extension's handy admin panel and ensure no errors or problems while levying shipping charges on all their products effortlessly.
- Running a successful ecommerce business is undoubtedly not as easy as they thought it was. An e-commerce entrepreneur is not responsible for one, but a hundred different things. In some ways, it is more convenient than traditional business methods. However, in some ways, it is also a bit tedious. Apart from listing, setting, and marketing your products, you also have to take care of the monetary aspects.
- One such problem is handling the shipping fees. Usually, e-com sellers have flat shipping charges for all their products. However, one single charge for all transitions might not be feasible for you due to various other factors. You might have to levy multiple flat shipping charges.
- The MageAnts Magento 2 flat rate shipping module is the ideal tool that will help you with setting these multiple flat shipping rates.
- Multiple shipping methods
- Country-based shipping charge
- Easy and efficient
- Seamless integration and functionality
- Improved User Experience
- Transparent shipping cost
- Reduce cart abandonment and boost sales.
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