If you know your way around Magento, it might not look too complex.
If you are not well versed with all the ins and outs of Magento, then you need a seasoned expert Magento 2 developer in order to take proper care of your Magento needs.
An expert Magento 2 developer helps you to get your website up and running in no time along with maintaining it on everyday basis.
If you feel that finding a dedicated Magento 2 developer is a daunting task, then we are going to help and guide on how to hire a magento 2 developer. Read on to find out more.
Consider the requirements
First and foremost thing is to have the clear idea of what you need from a Magento developer.
There are more than one aspect to developing, hence it is advisable to Hire Magento 2 Developer without knowing what you need them for.
Below are few things one must keep in mind:
Backend and Frontend development
Make sure whether you need a frontend developer or a backend developer.
If you want your website to look attractive and beautiful along with its professional look then you need to hire a frontend developer.
If you are looking for creating a database, maintain the servers or launching an application then you need to hire a backend developer.
What You Should Look In a Magento 2 Developer?
Firstly, you need to know why you need to hire Magento 2 developer and then start interviewing.
How do you figure out which Magento 2 developer is the best for your job? Below are some important tips one must look for on the developer’s CV.
Development Expertise
An expert Magento 2 developer should have detailed knowledge of the CMS in order to implement the required features and functionalities on the website.
The candidate must have enough technical knowledge to mould their development expertise for your project requirements.
See to that you do your homework if you don’t know how to test candidate’s knowledge in Magento 2.
Industry Expertise
After testing their development expertise, have a look at the projects the candidates have worked on and if they have dealt with any challenges or tasks at previous jobs.
Ensure that the Magento 2 developer is familiar with various Magento versions as every version has its own set of features and it is crucial to know that the candidates have knowledge on how to use them.
Work Portfolio
The Magento 2 developers those you interview might have a Certification.
But this doesn’t mean that they would be a good fit for your project. Hence you need to take a proper look at their portfolios. The portfolio tells you a lot about the proficiency of the developer and they worked they have produced till now and it would be easier for you to relate your project with their skill sets.
Perform a reference check
See to that you talk to the provided references.
This will help you to analyze their portfolios in detail and also help you to identify whether they are a good team player or not.
What skills a Magento 2 developer should have?
After understanding the portfolio of the applicant, ensure that they have enough knowledge and experience to do well in your business.
The next step is to examine the below mentioned skills:
- Innovative
- Professionalism
- Quality of Work
- Availability
- Specialties
You have been armed with proper knowledge on how to hire a developer now. While initially it might have seemed like a daunting task to hire a magento 2 developer, it should not be anymore. All you need to do is follow this guide properly in order to find the right person.
The cron job is a free operating system with amazing features developed by Linux. It will create a script or command which is appropriate to the things you want to do. Apart from manual working, this particular job allows running automatically at an exact date and time.
Because of its automation, Cron job is the best choice for the repetition of the projects. This configuration is very useful in the Magento framework, as it is used to schedule many system activities such as auto-update of currency rates, Magento emails, reindexing, etc.
After all these operations, when the configuration is correct, then only the Cron job is active. This Cron job uses a default file named as Cron Log.
That is used to change the setup of this job. The term used here, known as cPanel, is a web-based hosting control panel offered by the provider to the owners. It helps to manage the websites from a web-based interface.
This Cron Job Cpanel has many features like web disk, disk usage, FTP Accounts, Dictionary Privacy, Anonymous FTP, etc. Basically, these Cron jobs can execute internal Magento Cron job and controls which Cron jobs are executed and when.
Magento 2 includes multiple Cron jobs to start various tasks such as applying price rules, reindexing, generating sitemaps, and many other critical activities at a given time. There are many amazing features available for Magento 2 which requires at least one Cron job. These Cron job helps in scheduling activities to happen in the future. The activities are listed below;
- Generating Google Sitemaps
- Reindexing
- Catalog price rules
- All Magento emails
Some important tasks used before the configuration of cron in Magento 2;
Being a master user, log in to the Magento 2 cron. Master user has permission to write to the Magento 2 file system. If you are using the bash shell, then you can use the following syntax to switch to the Magento file system owner;
su <Magento 2 file system owner> -s /bin/bash -c <command>
To run the commands of <Magento 2 from any directory>, add <Your Magento 2 install dir>/bin to your system path. The bash shell examples are as follows;
export PATH=$PATH:/var/www/html/magento2/bin
There are many other ways which help in running commands;
If you have
cd <your Magento install dir>/bin
Then, you can run this command as. /magento <your command name>
And the alternative way isphp <your Magento 2 install dir>/bin/magento <command name>
Where, the subdirectory is <your Magento 2 install dir>, which is a web server.
These are such steps required to Create Cron Job Programmatically. And the steps are described below;
Create The Magento Crontab
Let’s start with version 2.2 where a Crontab is created by Magento. Here, you have to add the Magento crontab to any configured crontab for the Magento file system. On the other hand, after configuring the crontabs for other extensions, then only you will be able to add the Magento crontab to it.
To create a Magento crontab following steps are followed;
- First of all, you have to switch on or log in to the Magento file system owner.
- After this, you have to change your Magento installation directory.
Finally, enter the following commands for the installation,
Php bin/Magento cron:install [--force]
- This “–force” is used for rewriting an existing Magento crontab.
To view the designed crontab again, you have to type the following commands;
* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/magento2/bin/magento cron:run | grep -v Ran jobs by schedule >> /var/www/html/magento2/var/log/magento.cron.log
* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/magento2/update/cron.php >> /var/www/html/magento2/var/log/update.cron.log
* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/magento2/bin/magento setup:cron:run >> /var/www/html/magento2/var/log/setup.cron.log
Then we have to go to the next step of the configuration process. How to Setup Cron Job in Magento 2 Admin:
Here to create the setup, you have to follow the points given below;
- First of all, go to the Magento Admin page to click Stores.
- Then go to the setting section and select the option of Configuration.
- Here, in Cron Configuration Admin, choose the system under “Advanced” section, present in the panel located on the left side.
- Then you will have to open the Cron section and continue the following;
- Then open the cron configuration option for a group: Index and cron configuration options for a group: Default sections.
At last, complete the following information. There are many options for the group index. Those are given below;
- Fill the information in the section "Generate Schedule Every".
- Then give the data for the option “Schedule Ahead for”.
- If anything is missing, please mention in which it runs. And the option given for this is “Missed if not Run Within”.
- Make sure to fill the information for the given option. i.e. “History Cleanup Every”.
- Give all the data for “Success History Lifetime”.
- And also fill up for “Failure History Lifetime”.
- At last, fill up for the option “Use Separate Process”.
Run Cron From The Command Line
Some of the command options to run the crontab are as follows
bin/magento cron:run [--group="<cron group name>"]
To Run Specific Cron job which is considered as indexing jobs, you have to enter the command that is written below;
bin/magento cron:run --group index
For running the default cron job, you will have to enter the following command;
bin/magento cron:run --group default
To Run The Specific Cron Job Manually, see configure cron jobs as well as cron group.
A Magento module is considered as a logical group. That is directory helpers, controllers, containing blocks, etc. This is related to a specific business feature. This concept contains one feature and has a minimum number of dependencies on other modules. This Magento 2 framework provides a set of core logic such as; libraries, PHP code, and all other basic functions which are produced by the modules.